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Understand your customers

​Our comprehensive reviews and ratings features allow you to gain a deep understanding of your customers' opinions and perceptions of your products, enabling you to make informed decisions and drive customer satisfaction

Product overview of the brand

Product Overview

In this section, you are provided with a comprehensive overview of your Amazon product listings. This includes monitoring crucial metrics such as customer reviews, average ratings, and the total number of ratings received. This information is instrumental in determining the overall performance of your products and allows you to make informed decisions about future improvements or changes to your listings.

Filter your reviews

The Filtering Options feature in this platform provides you with a comprehensive approach to tracking and analyzing customer reviews. With the ability to apply numerous filters to your reviews, you can quickly and efficiently sort and categorize your data to gain valuable insights into customer feedback. This feature streamlines the process of analyzing customer feedback and enables you to make data-driven decisions that align with the evolving needs of your target audience, ultimately leading to increased customer satisfaction and business growth.

Review filterin options
Top 5 best rated asins from your customers

And many more features

Our platform offers a multitude of advanced features to enhance your product analysis experience. In addition to the ability to monitor reviews, average ratings, and the number of ratings, you can also access trend analysis on your top and bottom-performing ASINs. Furthermore, you can gain insights into the regions and nations that have the highest affinity for your products. Additionally, you can track the progression of specific product ratings over time.

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